Balance: 10,000 Sales Celebration!


I did a Kindle Countdown deal in December, offering Balance for $0.99 for a week. The results of that offer were UNBELIEVABLE, pushing Balance to a high of #253 in the Amazon store, and #5 overall in Paranormal / Urban Fantasy and #7 overall in Epic Fantasy. All told, I sold over 3000 copies of Balance in December (and ~7500 books total), pushing it's sales count well past 10,000 copies, to ~11,600. As I had mentioned previously, I'm celebrating the achievement by giving away money, in the form of Amazon gift cards.

You need to do two things to enter:

1. Have found this link - congratulations, you've already done this! 2. Click the 'enter' button.

Oh, and if you aren't already on my mailing list - I recommend signing up. There will be more giveaways in the future, and I know you don't want to miss the chance to win stuff (and maybe learn about my new realeases?). Just click the 'mailing list' link in the menu, and put in your e-mail address. I promise not to spam.

Good luck!

UPDATE: The winners have been notified! Congratulations to Christopher, Yannick, and Caleb. Thanks to everyone who participated.

a Rafflecopter giveaway